       This McBride family Tree Heritage Page and its contents are dedicated by the author to all of

those who helped make it possible, to the Blessed Memory of his Mum & Dad:  Margaret B. (Peg)

Bumpus & J. Harold McBrideMcBride; his Uncles Wilbert C. (Joe) Knox, Ralph Book (Mickey) McBride, Aunt Jeanie McBride & Jack A. Quinn, his Grandparents, Ralph A. & Margaret E. Book McBride, Leo S. - Nora Brown Bumpus, his Aunt Hon & Uncle Al Smith, his Aunt Bernice  & Uncle  Bob Noel & Ancestor's - who are all in the loving arms of our Lord Jesus Christ in Heaven. It is also dedicated in Honor of his Father J. Harold McBride and all those who

faithfully reunite to celebrate the love within the Family.

McBride - Bumpus Genealogy

Dedication ,  Introduction  &  Introduction  Appendix

                                                     Introduction Appendix
       I have found over the years that more and more people are becoming interested in

finding out about their family history, or at least their family tree line.  We find our way

back into the past and discover not only our Ancestor's names and their families, but

occasionally obtain the first sight or knowledge of our Family History, while searching

for our Family Roots.  We sometimes find ourselves lost in a confusing network of
passages from history books, old church records, off the headstones of our Ancestor's

and of course Grandma's attic.  All of the Family Tree information I eventually collected
had allready been gathered and recorded by someone before I began my research. The

time spent on a project such as this can be very gratifying while bringing together the

information for my own family's knowledge, understanding and enjoyment, in hopes

that it will be passed onto our future generations.  While putting together this Family

Tree History, I am very indebted to many people for helpful suggestions and the family

data contained in this chronological record of our own Family Tree Descendancy. I very

truly want to thank each and every person who helped, by taking the time to supply the
information I requested, with a very deep sense of gratitude.

J.B. McBride            Laurel, Md.            (c) Copyright 1998


       The following Family Genealogy is not just a list of names, dates, places and locations,

but rather a view of many Families, brought forth from many walks of life.  It will speak of

birth, the  joining of Love and the final resting of the people - who not only left behind their

sense of  caring, but rather the understanding of Love, within the family. Their living and

ever-lasting  prayers were that their Love would be passed onto their children's - children's - children and  so it was, as God had intended it. May he guide us and keep us, while following

in our Ancestor's footsteps. We can believe that our Ancestor's teachings are true, because

God's Love is unconditional, everlasting and truly forever.                                         Amen